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Showing posts from August, 2016

Wales Arts Review Interview: Beep Wales Winner Tom Banks

DATE:   24.08.16    WRITTEN BY:   SUSIE WILD    POSTED IN:   ARTICLES ,  RECOMMENDED ,  VISUAL ARTS Tom Banks  is the winner of the 3rd Beep Wales International Contemporary Painting Prize 2016, for his oil on canvas ‘Meta Vita II’. The exhibition is on display at Swansea College of Art until 3 September 2016 and then touring to Wrexham and Cardiff. Curated by Jonathan Powell, the director of the artist-led elysiumgallery and studios in Swansea, it features the commended work of the 49 national and international contemporary painters selected from all the entrants to the prize.   Here Tom explores his craft, his influences, and the winning painting . Read the article in full on Wales Arts Review

The Mothership

Hello lovelies! I hope you are having a splendid summer and managing to fit some adventures into the pockets of sunshine. 2016 has been throwing all sorts of horribleness at us (collectively and personally), but I'm beginning to feel more myself again after a quick succession of bad news including losing my dear Nan Sylvia while I was away in Istanbul in May followed by all the awfulness of Brexit.  Recently I've been finding more occasions... or more need, perhaps... for joy with picnics (with my excellent new birthday gifts of a picnic basket and blanket) and time in green spaces and Ikea purchases to cosy up the not-so-new-now house. The snails may have eaten all my edible plants in the not-so-new-now garden but weeding has been achieved. From my office window I can admire the thistles, and the parade of cats from the other terraced houses that box in our little plots. Still, I don't think I'll be returning from Greece this year to a bumper crop o...