The end of the BYT launch tour. Sob, sob.
Having Wil as a fellow BYT must have rubbed off, look at Tyler and I doing our catalogue model pose above. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Yes, Saturday saw the end of the BYT tour SOB SOB. We were appearing as part of BayLit Shock of the New festival because we are shocking and we are new. Only 50% of the BYTs were on stage but it was still an ace event. The busy Havannah Bar audience were treated to a double helping of readings from both Tyler and myself, a BYT quiz, and a kazillion chances to win prizes. We missed Wil and James though, and both read little bits of their book to the audience to make up for their absence.
A couple of pals who have been to more than one of the BYT events said they still weren’t bored as each one had been so different, and they’d noticed our confidence growing along the way so that the last event was the most insightful. Awwwwwwwww, bless their cotton socks. It was a different kind of event, I even read from the novella ‘Arrivals’ which is rare… but then I’ve had SOME NEWS about the novella. It is going to be released as a Kindle Single in the very near future. I’ll announce in the blog when you can actually get your hands on it. Exciting!
In other news, I’m writing a novel, like, actually writing it. Tyler is teaching and working on his short story collection for Parthian. The two of us are both open to offers from agents. James is extending his Harper Collins books by many thousand words at their request. Wil is dressing up as a bunny.