Happy National Short Story Week
The short story is having something of a resurgence of late. I am not complaining,having written a book of them, and I am sure Tyler isn’t either, as Parthian are publishing his short story collection sometime in the future. Anyway, as such there are all sorts of fab celebrations of the short story form going on this month and next.
This week is National Short Story Week. There are events across the country, and short stories to read for free on the website including my story Aquatic Life. I’ve also taken part in the short story challenge and contribute 150 words or so to the collaborative short story Consequences. I will be guest editing the site for a month in 2011.
I am going to be writing a Mslexia blog on why I love short form and my fave short story writers soon, possibly this afternoon. Sophie has written a very informative one about events and resources for short story readers and writers too.
In other news it is Short Story Day on the shortest day of the year. I am reading with Rachel Trezise and friends at the Cardiff event on 21 December 2010. Come along.
I also feel I should tell you that I just spent a lovely morning interviewing Caroline Bird, Eleanor Catton and co. from the Dylan Thomas Prize shortlist in front of the fire in Dylan Thomas’ old house. I’ll be writing up for a few people, so shall post links to it all soon.