Car trouble may have prevented a few of our Parthian Rarebits getting to Laugharne, but local poets and the brilliant band The Newly Deads pitched in to help our sessions sing and dance as planned and I read some new work too. Thanks to Francesca Rhydderch and Damian Walford Davies for my lift from Carmarthen Station and Jo and Jo for the lift back... and to The Tin Shed for being a brilliant venue, as ever, and my free drinks... and to Sion Tomos Owen, Tyler Keevil and Georgia Carys Williams and their cars for not breaking down!
We had a lovely day of poetry outside the Poetry Bookshop in Hay today and it stayed mostly dry too! Here’s me telling the audience some things about Bert (Roberto Pastore). Thanks Sian Lile-Pastore for the photo. And the rest of the photos as promised... Imogen Davies, Richard Davies, Niall Griffiths, Nigel Jarrett and Ifor Thomas took the early spots... (thanks to Christina and Ifor for these photos...) Richard (Parthian) & crowd Niall Griffiths reading Niall Imogen Ifor Thomas reads Nigel Jarrett reads Next up we had readings from Christina Thatcher, Abigail Parry and Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch, followed by readings from Ness Owen, Mari Ellis Dunning, Jemma L. King, Tracey Rhys, Patrick Jones, Roberto Pastore and, drawing the short straw to go last, yours truly. Abigail reads Abigail again Roberto Pastore reads Ness Owen reads Everyone loves Bert Tracey Rhys reads Patrick Jones reads Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch A shot of Christina in red in the crowd Stalls at Hay Castle ...