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Showing posts from August, 2019

Gig Alerts: Ledbury, Laugharne, Stourbridge, Cardiff

Hello Dears, I hope you are all having a fantastic summer! Good news, my second poetry collection Windfalls , is coming out in October 2020. While I iron out the creases I've a few gigs coming up, some poetry straight as Susie Wild, some mixing it up with some songs with my partner in crime and creativity as Susie Wildsmith / Ben Wildsmith / The Wildsmiths, alongside many more of his own songs, fingerpickin' genius and well-chosen covers...  Listen to Ben's 1998 album  The Lowest Form of Folk  for free on Soundcloud . AUGUST Fri 9 – The Barn, Ledbury, 7pm, (reading some poems and joining the husbear Ben Wildsmith on some of his songs ), free entry. Sun 18 – The Wildsmiths: In Concert, Brown's Hotel, Laugharne , 3-5:45pm, (reading some poems and joining the husbear Ben Wildsmith on some of his songs), free entry Mon 26 – The Wildsmiths, Katie Fitzgeralds, Stourbridge , 5pm, (reading some poems and joining the husbear Ben Wildsmith on some of his songs)....