Strike a Pose
Ha! Look! This is the BYT’s editor, Lucy. Don’t be scared. She was striking a pose for the Passport Photos with Soul project run by Man About Town Tom Beardshaw on Sunday. The Bright Young Things were at the Cardiff Identity Festival at Cardiff Arts Institute to perform our words, pose for photos and catch up on each other’s worlds for the first time since Hay. We have considered getting a cardboard cut out for Wil, perhaps one of his modelling shots, to square our triangle.
We kicked off events on a checkerboard stage. Tyler, myself and James read from our FORTHCOMING TITLES (I still love saying that) for 15 minutes each and then asked each other quick fire questions. I found out that Tyler wants to be Spiderman. I’m arachnophobic but can appreciate how fun it would be to climb buildings like that. What I can’t appreciate is the man who breeds spiders who I met at an art opening on Friday. He has over 5000 of them. That fact killed our conversation. I also realised how well I have been managing to ignore the World Cup. Vuvuzelas are pests? You what?
Other highlights of the event included Matt Jarrett (Balloon) stage diving onto a pile of bean bags, rock’n’roll
and this:
Thanks Balloon and Undeb Theatre. It was a blast!
Next up? I’m off to Glastonbury to do storytelling, and have a birthday. Fun times 
