…etting. Yes folks. I have just seen The Art of Contraception in all its typeset loveliness. It looks LIKE A BOOK. Who’d've thunk it? I’m well chuffed. Which must mean it is nearly ready to get printed and actually be a book. Out there. In the big bad world. Where you lucky people can read it, or use it to fix that wobbly table. Or look at it on your iPad. Posh.
I have more news. We are having several Bright Young Things book launches. In Wales and in London town. I don’t have the dates for all of them, but here are two dates for your diary:
17th September SWANSEA. This is a three-pronged event of wonder that will begin with a book signing in a place I used to work, the beautiful Waterstone’s on Oxford Street, continue to another place I used to have an office, The Dylan Thomas Centre for the actual launch proper and finish off in an after party of some boisterous kind.
24th September BANGOR. That is all I know. We are having a book launch somewhere in Bangor. It will be in the evening. James and Tyler will be there. I’ve never been to Bangor before, I like the name though, so yes, that WILL be exciting.
I shall also be appearing at Fair Play Festival in Cardiff that weekend, performing some poems.
Other launches in Aberystwyth, Cardiff and London TBA.
Yay yay hurray! Right, I’m off to see ace poet Joe Dunthorne read from his Faber collection tonight then I’m going to be the biggest kid of them all at Camp Bestival. Fun times.