Whoop, whoop. I’ve sorted my set list and packed me bag. I’m off to Green Man in TWO hours and I’m excited!! Sorry I’ve been a bit rubbish on the Buzz blog front of late, I’ve got loads I should be telling you too, so I’ll do a bit of a catch up blog when I get back from the festival. Today, though, I want to talk about Green Man and ONLY Green Man.
So, it looks like it is going to be a damp one, but I have sparkly wellies so I don’t care. I shall be dancing to The Flaming Lips in the mud, just you try and stop me. Music-wise I’ll also be catching other favourites including harpy banshee Joanna Newsom, and the brilliant Beirut and Welshies Pen Pastwn (Richard James) and Race Horses. I’m also looking forward to seeing Fuck Buttons, Gold Panda, Sleepy Sun, Field Music, Tindersticks, First Aid Kit, Laura Marling, Wild Beasts, DJ Yoda, Bear in Heaven, Avi Buffalo, Islet, Mumford & Sons and Erland and the Carnival.
Green Man is always great for finding new favourite acts for me. Last year it was She Keeps Bees. This year I’m following friendly advice and going to try to take a look at Erland and the Carnival, Y Niwl, Planki, Hannah Peel (because she’s been collaborating with Mike from Tunng and I LOVE Tunng) and Gabby and the Other Animals (who were, by all accounts, ace at Stanton Calling).
It isn’t just about the music. I (Susie Wild) am performing poems in the literature tent on Sunday (3pm) along with Mab Jones, Rhian Edwards and Patrick Jones. I’m also looking forward to catching In Chapters (a music and spoken word multi-artist collaboration), the legend that is John Cooper Clarke, novelists Rachel Trezise and Rob Lewis and the ace performance poet Laura Dockrill. I shall also pop into the comedy tent, taking recommendations from Mab who will be performing there too, and is just back from her Edinburgh Festival show, and the cinema tent because they usually show some great films, and it is a good place to warm up and dry off.
See you there! I’ll be in my tiger hat, probably. You can buy me beer if you like…