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MS: Happy Short Story Day


The Mslexia Blog
It is Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and, best of all, short story day. Another chance to celebrate the brilliant short form fiction. I am not going to wax lyrical for ages about how good short stories are today, mainly because I already did that back in Short Story Week but I would recommend that you take a look at the Short Story Day website for events across the UK, short story recommendations by authors, links, tips, apps and much much more.
I am reading at the Cardiff Short Story Day event tonight with Rachel Trezise, Rob Lewis, Mab Jones and many more. The event takes place is Gwdihw from 7pm and includes a short story book stall and a short, short story open mic. So don’t let the snow stop you enjoying a festive drink with us, come along and read, or listen appreciatively.
I have got a new/old short story recommendation for you though: Lorrie Moore. She is fantastically inventive and witty and I’ve been working though her collections. Start with Self Help.
Finally I just wanted to wish you all a very merry festive season and a Happy New Year. Thanks for reading me over 2010. I’ve already had one top present, my collection of short stories The Art of Contraception has been named Fiction Book of the Year in the Welsh Icons Awards 2010. May 2011 bring happiness, good fortune and creativity to us all.
About Susie:
Susie Wild is a freelance journalist based in South Wales. She is one of Parthian's Bright Young Things and her debut collection of short stories, The Art of Contraception is out now. As a poet she performs regularly, and publishes here and there, including the recent Bugged book. She likes good live music, Old Man Pubs, patterned tights, hair dye and avocados.


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