I'm So Kindle Single I am preparing to be the first Kindle Single writer launched to a global audience from dear old Wales. Arrivals , my first Kindle Single – that's an Amazon ebook, Nanny, a digital book, a bit like a 45, hence the name – is the novella from my debut collection of short stories The Art of Contraception . It launches at the end of April, closely followed by nine other titles, old and new from Parthian's back catalogue. Amazon describes their Kindle Single as an ebook that’s 'twice the length of a New Yorker feature or as much as a few chapters of a typical book' The l0,000 to 30,000 word digital pamphlets will be produced by writers, scientists, business leaders, historians, politicians, publishers and other big thinkers. In fact, in their announcement of the Kindle Single launch Amazon wrote that the size of these ebooks offers the 'perfect, natural length to lay out a single killer idea, well researched, well argued and well illus...
Posts from life as a writer and publishing editor...