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The End of Guardian Cardiff :(

Hello. The Guardian Cardiff local blog project finished on Friday. I've been a guest blogger for them over the last year, so this is me pulling  a sad face :(  My last Guardian Cardiff blog will go live tomorrow afternoon.

To find out what will be happening with Cardiff Blog meetings, tweets and other stuff read on...

"Regular readers will have aptly noticed this is the last week of the Guardian Cardiff blog – with our final day this Friday 27 May.

This week we'll be celebrating some of the great reader submissions for the blog including the best Flickr submissionsguest posts and stories covered on the blog in the last year – and we welcome you to add your comments below on what you've enjoyed.
It might also be worth stating here what will happen to some elements of the blog and projects run by Guardian Cardiff. Here's a round up of what will happen to some of what we've been doing in the last year:
Cardiff Bloggers Meet Ups – The meetings will continue, under the excellent organisation of Ed Walker from Media Wales – if you think you can help out Ed in any way, including setting up, shifting equipment or brainstorming ideas for meetings – then let him know. Don't forget it's Guardian Cardiff's last bloggers meet this Wednesday from 8pm at the Media Point in Chapter
Cardiff Social Media Surgeries – Last week we announced the next stage of the Cardiff Social Media Surgeries which will be disbanding from a central bi-monthly session to five locally arranged surgeries across the city – find out more info here
Project:document will be taken over by Stu Herbert, a Merthyr-based photographer who was part of the genus of the idea for the project and instrumental in keeping it going in the last year – he'll be announcing the new themes and locations soon so befriend him on Flickr to await news
The rest of the blog – Guardian Cardiff will have no new posts after this Friday 27 May, but you'll still be able to find the site via and search for older posts which are eternalised in Google. Data, maps, visualisations and slideshows should all still be viewable, but obviously some bits and bobs may disappear as Guardian Cardiff accounts are closed down
GdnCardiff on Twitter – We have more than 5,000 followers and a thriving Twitter community. This will be rebranded and taken over by a trusted local tweeter who is already producing exciting new community content. Helia Phoenix runs @roathCardiff @hack_flash @cfgigpostersand much more. The Twitter account will be officially transferred over and no longer have links to the Guardian, but will still provide a fantastic source of news, links and Cardiff chat which is worth following
That leaves me to say I'll be sad to leave Cardiff but I am moving on to pastures new to join as community coordinator in news. It's not time for goodbyes just yet though and I hope to see many of you at the bloggers meet up tomorrow."


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