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Dinefwr 2014: Speed Dating Writers

Don’t miss the chance to fall in love during Dinefwr’s ‘speed dating’ event with Parthian and Seren writers on Saturday 21st June!

[This post is mostly taken from]
For the second year, amid the magical and mythical surroundings of Dinefwr Park and Castle, Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, the Dinefwr Literature Festival will take place on the weekend 20-22 June.
This bilingual festival (Welsh-English) is a celebration of words in all their different forms – poetry, prose, history, stand-up comedy, song lyrics – and  it offers an amazing programme of national and international writers, award-winning poets and emerging literary talent, among which Parthian and Seren are represented rather nicely!
All the events are situated in a stunning 17th century property, Newton House, and in the Old Laundry, on Saturday 21st June at 8.15 pm, the Speed Dating Writers event will take place, featuring three novelists, two poets and a Canadian on a high-octane ride into new innovative writing – namely Parthian’s and Seren’s Dan Tyte, Rhian Elizabeth, Carly Holmes, Jonathan Edwards, Dai George and Tyler Keevil. They will have ten minutes each to charm you with their poetry and prose so that you might fall in love… with their writing! Hosted by Parthian Publishing Editor Susie Wild (yep that's me).
Between the one hundred plus events proposed, you can always have a look around the festival, finding excellent food and drink, medieval cooking, nature walks, Dylan Thomas’ writing shed, as well as an antiquarian book bus and a bookshop in the Newton House, where you could find your favourite author’s books signed!
Find the full programme and information here:

The Event is supported by Welsh publisher Parthian and Seren, and the Dinefwr Festival is organised by Literature Wales in partnership with National Trust, Cadw, and University of Wales Trinity Saint David and is supported by Arts Council of Wales. The Dinefwr Literature Festival received Arts Council of Wales Lottery funding for the 2014 festival.


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