Car trouble may have prevented a few of our Parthian Rarebits getting to Laugharne, but local poets and the brilliant band The Newly Deads pitched in to help our sessions sing and dance as planned and I read some new work too. Thanks to Francesca Rhydderch and Damian Walford Davies for my lift from Carmarthen Station and Jo and Jo for the lift back... and to The Tin Shed for being a brilliant venue, as ever, and my free drinks... and to Sion Tomos Owen, Tyler Keevil and Georgia Carys Williams and their cars for not breaking down!
There is a wonderful extended review essay 'Ecological Literacy' by Steven Lovatt in the latest issue of New Welsh Review exploring recent books that seek to restore natural and cultural ecologies and recognise how the cultural nature of our landscapes is preserved in language. It offers an in-depth look at This Common Uncommon by Rae Howells, and here are three of our favourite snippets: "Rae Howells’ new poetry collection, This Common Uncommon , is a fierce and loving affirmation of the local, exemplifying the sort of care-full attention to the interdependence of people, other animals and plants that will be required if anything worthwhile is to be saved from the present ruin." "Howells confirms the evidence of her first collection, The Language of Bees, that she is a highly adept poet, possessing one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary Welsh writing in English." "If West Cross Common is developed for housing, nobody can now claim ignoran...