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Poetry and Disco Dancing

Hi Lovelies,

It is Sunday. I have had a wonderful morning of not having to get up and do anything or be anywhere except in bed with Handsome Man and Softie Kitten. After a lot of running around... from Waterstones London Piccadilly to a rugby club in the valleys... this past couple of weeks it has been pure bliss. There's been all sorts of exciting things happening for a plethora of Parthian launches and S4C filming and other events.

On top of the publishing silly season, I also thought it would be a great idea to collaborate with Beth Greenhalgh on a new piece – Sex Change Disco – commissioned for Made in Roath festival. It turned out it was and we had a blast dancing with you all on Friday night. Although my immune system may disagree...

After taking the show down yesterday and painting my hair ready for next week's performance, I have been lazily catching up on my writer admin and social media. But now to get busy and gather ALL of my poems and poems in progress together to print and pack for a mini creative adventure.

I'm SUPER excited to be off on the Poetry Autumn Masterclass at Ty Newydd THIS week and grateful for the bursary helping me to go. It'll be my first visit to the house and everyone tells me I will love it. I am hoping the muse is kind to me and I can knock my first poetry collection into better shape while I am there.

I get back on Sat 22 October and then I will be zooming home, changing and then rushing down to the Bay to help finish setting up and running through the new bits of Sex Change Disco at Garden of Earthly Delights... come along!

Love and glitter,

Susie x


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