'They are beautiful. Tell your friends I said you write beautiful poems. Vivid with sharp imagery and delicious phrasing.' – Salena Godden knows how to cheer a girl up on a pre-launch Sunday! I've lots of gigs coming up, do come, here's a lovely poster Torben made for me with the dates and venues (click to make bigger.)...
At Free Verse I've just got a stall and will sign books, come to The Wheatsheaf in November for the London reading!
At Free Verse I've just got a stall and will sign books, come to The Wheatsheaf in November for the London reading!
More tour dates added, when all the details are confirmed I'll get the poster adjusted...
27 – Dylan's Birthday, The Beginning festival, Dylan's Birthplace, Swansea (Workshop and Reading)
31 – Berkeley Square Poetry Revue, Bristol, 8.30pm, £2 on the door
31 – Berkeley Square Poetry Revue, Bristol, 8.30pm, £2 on the door