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Brown's: The Perfect End to the Better Houses Launch Tour

Oh what a joy it was to be in Laugharne in the gentle quiet of December to wrap up the Better Houses tour. They treat their poets well there.

The evening reading was cosy and informal, with us going around the room and each reader standing to do one piece, interspersed with four short sets from myself. There were some wonderful readings including an inventive collaborative piece with 'music'.

Afterwards we were easily persuaded to try all the gin and prop up the bar talking talking talking until close.

Now I am wrapping up work before the gift of a long festive break to get myself back to human ready for 2018! My next 2018 gigs are as follows:


17th: New Poets Showcase, Seren/Cornerstone’s Poetry Festival, Cardiff (11am) 
21st: Open Mic Spoken Word Extravaganza at Ye Olde Murenger House, Newport (7.30pm)


14th: Satellite of Love, The Greenbank, Easton, Bristol (8.30pm) 


22nd: Melville Centre, Abergavenny (11.30am)

Have splendid festive seasons my dears! I'll leave you with some snaps from Laugharne:


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