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Gig Alert: The Poetry Cafe, London

You are cordially invited to join Parthian Books at the Poetry Cafe for the launch of Kate Noakes' latest poetry collection.

The Filthy Quiet has attracted early notices as follows:
"Kate Noakes’ new collection is a trove of rich materials – rare minerals, sharp sense-impressions and resonant myths. It makes you want to touch… and when you do, it burns. There’s a fire beneath that surface, all the fiercer for keeping just out of sight, licking up through the cracks." - Philip Gross 
Kate Noakes’ The Filthy Quiet is a collection aloud with every imaginable sensation - poems that teem with soundscape, texture and detail, are lithe and lusty, full of movement; timed and poised precisely, sprung like clockwork mechanisms, knowing the exact weight and measure necessary in the poem’s discrete making. Noakes’ poetry brings forward an electrifying premise - “its charged promises / its dance of light” - full of sparks and campfires, wakeful nights and miracles, and bold women who know the “art of repair”, always brightly striking onwards, generating its own irresistible energy. – Jane Commane
Both Kate and Susie Wild, her editor at Parthian will be reading. they will be joined by fellow Parthian poet, Mark Blayney. Books will be for sale.


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