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GIG ALERT: Company of Words, Cardiff


Share your poems, monologues, short scripts and prose in a warm, welcoming environment in the fabulous setting of the Sherman foyer, catch up with friends over a beer or coffee and get creative inspiration from our guest poets. All welcome! whether you are an experienced performer, new to creative writing or just want to listen! 
Susie Wild is author of the poetry collections Windfalls and Better Houses, the short story collection The Art of Contraception listed for the Edge Hill Prize, and the novella Arrivals. She has placed in competitions including the Welshpool Poetry Festival Competition, the Prole Laureate Prize and the Mslexia Women’s Poetry Competition and performed at festivals including The Laugharne Weekend, Green Man and Glastonbury.
'Wild comes across as the poetic equivalent of Jean Rhys: wry, arch, a little world-weary but, unlike Rhys, with a sparkling glint of humour... A very affecting collection of poems indeed.' – Buzz Magazine
'This latest collection by Susie Wild is substantial, touching, entertaining and very fresh; [...] love and life fall and decay but also one finds strange, unexpected gifts.' – Gwales
Susie on Linktree:
Ben Wildsmith is a singer/songwriter of 30 years standing who has worked alongside Eric Bibb, The Strawbs, Lindisfarne and Slade in a career that has seen him perform to audiences through Europe and the USA. Blending American and British folk styles with thoughtful, acerbic lyrics he delivers a show full of pathos, humour and wry storytelling. He is a Sunday columnist for Nation Cymru.
Ben's YouTube Channel:


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