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The Bookseller: Czech Literature Supplement

Read the Czech Literary Centre's supplement in the new issue of The Bookseller

The supplement is mainly focused on Czech books that have recently been published (or will soon be published) by British publishers. Space was given to fiction as well as to poetry and graphic novels. The cover was designed by Jaromír 99.
The highlight of the supplement is Tivnan‘s article about Bianca Bellová and her novel The Lake (trans. by Alex Zucker, publ. by Parthian Books), for which she won the EBRD Literature Prize in June (Olga Tokarczuk was also among the finalists).
Ra Page, the director of Comma Press, introduces The Book of Prague, an anthology of Prague short stories, edited by Ivana Myšková and myself. It contains 10 short stories by 10 Czech writers, translated by 10 translators (or translating couples). The book will be published later this month.
Scottish poet and publisher Rob A. Mackenzie wrote a short essay about why he decided to publish Selected Poems by Petr Hruška, and one of Petr‘s poems is featured on the page as a preview of the book.
Paul Gravett, London-based journalist, curator and writer, presents the English editions of graphic novels by Lucie Lomová, Vojtěch Mašek and Jaromír 99. He also praises Kateřina Čupová's comics adaptation of Karel Čapek‘s famous play R. U. R. which gave birth to the word robot.
The back cover consists of brief profiles of books by Kateřina Tučková, Jáchym Topol, Jan Němec, Martin Vopěnka and Jan Procházka.


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